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Thursday, September 3, 2009

From wonder to praise to action (theology to doxology to praxis)

A new semester has begun. I have enjoyed posting this summer but will probably slow down somewhat due to my course load. I hope to still post something once a week.

After sitting in the library reading for an hour an half from Berkhof's Systematic Theology, I closed the book overwhelmed with the amount of beautiful information and slightly exhausted from the the theological reflection.

I was reminded of a quote I had stashed away on a desktop sticky from J.I. Packer. I don't remember the source where I got it but I did jot that it came from A Quest for Godliness (p. 15).

If our theology does not quicken the conscience and soften the heart,
it actually hardens both;

if it does not encourage the commitment of faith,
it reinforces the detachment of unbelief;

if it fails to promote humility,
it inevitably feeds pride.
It is a beautiful journey to grow in the knowledge, fear, awe, wonder, renown, wisdom, understanding, and praise of God. He is good, wise...and so gracious! As long as it is called today, let us encourage each other so not to be hardened. How can we be when he turns the heart of stone into a living one!

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