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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Community for the sake of community?

Last thursday I wrote about community with a purpose. I think the word "community" and the idea of "community" and the desire to have "community" and the need for "community" is part and parcel with the human condition;
however, it has been a popular buzzword for almost the past 10 years.  The reality, of course, the concept of community is older than the created order, which is why it is so important for humans to experience and understand.  Every individual (even the most isolated) has a connotation of community despite the wide diversity of how it is conceptualized, communicated, practiced, and perpetuated.

Enough philosophying at the moment.  More to come later, I'm sure.  Right now I want to recommend the new NBC show called Community.  Below is a trailer that highlights the characters and sets up the concept for the show.

Below is the shorter preview:

Thankfully I don't have much time to watch television.  Much of what is out there, to quote my wife, "makes me feel like I'm wasting my life."  But this is one show that I schedule time to watch.  I think it is funny, and I love how it weaves cultural references from other movies and shows in clever ways.

I laugh a lot when I watch it, but I also think a lot.  It implicitly explores ethical, sociological, psychological, philosophical, and theological meaning about life––all within the confines of a 30 minute show about a diverse group of people attending a small community college as they study Spanish together.

I will probably make comments from time to time regarding certain episodes.  But for now, I recommend you watch it with friends....laugh together....affirm what's good and challenge what's bad about how they portray "community."

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE this show! i watch it before grey's. :)
