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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I am still here...wanting to write more

Hello. It almost feels like my very first post––what to write when you have no one reading? what to write when you maybe don't have anything to say?

It has been a few weeks (in the blogosphere that means that I probably have lost all momentum and starting from scratch) since I last wrote. Trust me, I want to write more. I have some ideas on what I want to do in order to develop this blog. Ultimately, I desire to be challenged in my thinking, clarify my communication; likewise, the past few months wrestling through what (and how) to contribute.

Those questions are only beginning to stir in the pot and are no where near cooking. I'll let you know when dinner is ready!

My comment today links together some thoughts of contribution with the danger of reductionistic, stifling sentimentality. To be sure, the link is of one person's opinion never attaches the words "reductionistic" or "stifling" to his thoughts on sentimentality. But I do.

I came across Gene Veith's blog from a post from Justin Taylor, whose blog is now with the Gospel Coalition. The context is with Christians' contribution in art, particularly writing and movies. I appreciate his list of authors and his comments.

We should be great writers and great movie makers. We should tell great stories. But cookie-cutter, story-milled books and scripts only leave us longing for more...because the problems go much deeper and much wider than we realize, and redemption penetrates even further and farther then we can communicate. Let us not be story-tellers who reduce and stifle, but rather, let us point, explain, narrate, communicate in a way that allows the story to tell itself where our minds and hearts explode to the realities of our fallen human condition and to the possibilities of redemption.

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