The link below takes you to (a huge resource of articles/mp3's/links).
"A Challenge from Roger Olson for Calvinists":
Read the challenge directly from
Roger Olsen's blog here: Check out the links below too.
I don't know Roger Olsen, but you quickly see where he stands.
Honestly, I think it is a great challenge. We need to be able to articulate (in our speech and writing) all of what Scripture has to say. Communication is hard work; our intent should never be from the prideful ambition of merely "winning" the argument. However, Roger Olsen does have a point in his question. We must be writing stories that reflect the gospel's redemptive grace? Let's get crackin'.
This caught my eye in the first place because I will be reading two books for one of my courses during the next couple of weeks:
Why I am not an Calvinist and its companion book
Why I am not an Arminian. The latter book was written by two of my professors.